Girl Interrupted

Monday, October 24, 2005

[+/-] Cape Town, here I come

So J and I will be moving to Cape Town soon. The research institute that we are interning for has tried to get offices set up here in KZN, but this has fallen through. Which is actually a good thing, because we wanted to move to Cape Town anyway, and I wasn't quite sure how we were going to tell the boss that after paying us to intern for this specific purpose, we were ditching the new offices for a more glorious city. But now, that conflict has been neatly avoided by the financial collapse of the proposal. (I know what you're thinking - it must be hard, living without a spine...)

    J and I have decided that apart from clothes and laptops, we are going to sell *everything* and start fresh with new furniture in Cape Town. Mostly, because our furniture sucks (I hate hand-me downs and that mismatched "student digs" feel), and also because its just too much effort to have it moved to Cape Town (and certainly not worth it!). So, anyone wanting our stuff - make me an offer I can't refuse.

    Update: before we do flog everything, I have to be anal and actually research what it will cost to replace everything (a lot), what we will get back from selling (bugger all), and how much it will cost to hire a removal company to get our stuff down there...
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